There is no denying the fact
theCorrect your spelling
show examples
language carries
peoplesChange noun form
show examples
cultures , heritage ,and
many believe that governments should
spendingChange the verb form
show examples
on preserving
, others on the opposite
thingVerb problem
show examples
it is wasting of
Correct article usage
show examples
budget .
,I think the balance
be takeChange the verb form
show examples
iChange the capitalization
show examples
will discuss both points of view and elaborate my opinion.
On the one hand ,
governmentsChange noun form
show examples
efforts to fund revitalization
will contribute
inChange preposition
show examples
Correct article usage
show examples
cultureReplace the word
show examples
heritage of many
indigenousCapitalize word
show examples
which classified as endangered
speakers .
, numerous
of Change preposition
show examples
reliesChange the verb form
show examples
on oral traditions rather than written scripts .
, each year many
deathCorrect article usage
show examples
Change preposition
show examples
speaker and
declineCorrect article usage
show examples
in the number of people who
Add a missing verb
show examples
interestReplace the word
show examples
intoChange preposition
show examples
learning them
by Change preposition
show examples
many programs and campinge
provideWrong verb form
show examples
by the government to support these
minorityFix the agreement mistake
show examples
from extinct.
, many argue that
Correct article usage
show examples
budget should prioritize essential
serviceFix the agreement mistake
show examples
languagesChange the noun form
show examples
intoChange preposition
show examples
may not yield practical benefits since the major international
spanishChange the capitalization
show examples
arabicChange the capitalization
show examples
will bring back more benefits to their citizens and
individualsFix the agreement mistake
show examples
, the vast majority of
the Correct article usage
show examples
governments invested
intoChange preposition
show examples
englishChange the capitalization
show examples
learning programmes to enhance their
citizenChange noun form
show examples
ability to communicate and
simplifiesCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
international trade and cooperation
thereReplace the word
show examples
have having wider social impact .Regardless
allChange preposition
show examples
the arguments ,I think
theCorrect article usage
show examples
balanceReplace the word
show examples
be takeChange the verb form
show examples
In conclusion ,
many think the
should not spend their budgets on other essential sectors ,others believe in the
needsFix the agreement mistake
show examples
for preservingChange preposition
show examples
balanceCorrect article usage
show examples
be takeChange the verb form
show examples
by supporting endangered
without compromising other essential services.