The pie charts compare data about the figure of world spending on 6 various items and global inhabitants in six different areas across the world.
, it is important that Others and food have the highest sections among others that people spend money on and Asia has the maximum populations among other continents.
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According to
the world spending diagram, Other, the main section that has the highest fraction, composes 40%; Linking Words
Food, the second crucial sector, reports just under a quarter; Linking Words
, Transport, Housing, and clothing respectively form 18, 12 per cent ,and a small fraction.
The community's graph demonstrates that most of the people who live on Earth are in Asia on account of the fact that Asia citizens make up approximately 60% after that, Europeans and Americans constitute the same portion as each other at nearly 15%. Later Africans compose one-tenth and Others form half of Africans percentage.Linking Words