todayChange noun form
show examples
are much different than those who were
fewChange the article
show examples
years back.
With theChange preposition
show examples
availability of advanced technology and
the Correct article usage
show examples
createsCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
this unusual Change the determiner
this unusual teenager
these unusual teenagers
show examples
. Most of them are not having
in their heart. They do not think about others
as elders,
and other
. And
some of them are
addictWrong verb form
show examples
the Correct article usage
show examples
drugs in their early teenage.
destroy their education and they
willingAdd a missing verb
show examples
to do a job,
makeCorrect word choice
show examples
some money to buy drugs. In under-developing
asianChange the capitalization
show examples
countries like Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Maldives critically experienced
situation. And
looking for easy money, that creates tense situation within the younger generation.
Because of
worksCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
as helping others and unpaid renovation projects or some other
will create good human
beingFix the agreement mistake
show examples
in the end.
InChange preposition
show examples
schoolCorrect article usage
show examples
level and university
Fix the agreement mistake
show examples
like Change preposition
show examples
a trend.
VeryAdd an article
show examples
good example
forChange preposition
show examples
scouting. In their early career Scouts should have to go to the
have to Verb problem
show examples
do some
helpingsCorrect your spelling
show examples
or good
including helping elderly
peoplesFix the agreement mistake
show examples
clearingCorrect word choice
show examples
gardensCorrect word choice
show examples
without getting any payment.
the Correct article usage
show examples
universities some subjects
offerWrong verb form
show examples
as part of
studentsChange noun form
show examples
academic activities like Social
worksFix the agreement mistake
show examples
. In those
they have to do something
toChange preposition
show examples
communityAdd an article
show examples
. In
years students
didWrong verb form
show examples
some interesting
worksFix the agreement mistake
show examples
, renovation of some public places like bus halts,
toiletsCorrect word choice
show examples
and some others have
been Unnecessary verb
show examples
hostel washing machines. And students thought by themselves and doing some social welfare programmes
some of them are
supplyWrong verb form
show examples
to rural schools, some are building new
, libraries or computer facilities.
veryAdd an article
show examples
interesting thing to
mentionedChange the form of the verb
show examples
From thatChange preposition
show examples
kindFix the agreement mistake
show examples
of actions
givingWrong verb form
show examples
to Change preposition
show examples
and the
as well. For
an Correct article usage
show examples
to Change preposition
show examples
the Correct article usage
show examples
they Correct pronoun usage
show examples
gain some good habits and create good human
beingFix the agreement mistake
show examples
carries Verb problem
show examples
with sympathy. For
the Correct article usage
show examples
it is
haveCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
because as mentioned above
those Correct determiner usage
show examples
social welfare could nothing but good. And most importantly the image
aboutChange preposition
show examples
the younger generation will change in advance.
yes, we all have to agree with that opinion, unpaid
work is
some whatCorrect your spelling
show examples
essential in different
different Remove the redundancy
show examples
scales for
the Correct article usage
show examples
. Governments should have to encourage institutes and
the younger generation to do
work and
the elders should have to appreciate their hard and good work.