ideaAdd an article
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that Higher authority is not utilizing funds in
usefulChange the article
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manner by using it in the artistic field because that monetary support could be done in the other sectors. I agree with
extendReplace the word
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and will provide justification in the upcoming paragraphs.
First of all, Civic bodies are helping to encourage
by arranging cultural events. Where they invite artists from every corner of the country. By
ArtistFix the agreement mistake
show examples
can get recognition in the public.
, They
build theatres and drama schools.
introducing educational programs related to arts. So,
will help
to make their career in
area. Nowadays, Parents force their children to
do Unnecessary verb
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study and become
doctorFix the agreement mistake
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engineerFix the agreement mistake
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teacherFix the agreement mistake
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but never support them
to chooseChange preposition
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their career in the arts.
In theCorrect your spelling
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three idiots movie one character
nameReplace the word
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wantedWrong verb form
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to become a photographer but his father
forcedWrong verb form
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him to pursue engineering.
, If
governmentCorrect article usage
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take steps to develop category of
skill basedAdd a hyphen
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everyone is busy in their life and their schedule
areChange the verb form
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hectic. By uplifting ,
entertainmentCorrect article usage
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industry it will help them to reduce their stress.
, certain individuals have
mentalityAdd an article
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itsCorrect your spelling
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totally unnecessary and we have other departments where investments should be
doneVerb problem
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. They have an opinion that
governmentCorrect article usage
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should build housing for poor
takeCorrect word choice
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initiativeCorrect article usage
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makeVerb problem
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new employment opportunities for
unemployedAdd an article
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medicalCorrect article usage
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section by providing free health care services.
, there are
Correct article usage
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numbersFix the agreement mistake
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villageFix the agreement mistake
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where residents are not able to get primary medications as they don’t have any nearby hospitals.
In consultation, Everything should be done in balance. Spending excessive amounts on any division is not beneficial for any country.
GovernmentCorrect article usage
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should make a proper budget for all units.