Dear Mr. and Mrs. [Surname],
I hope you are both doing well. I was delighted to receive your invitation to Chris’s surprise birthday party. I am sure Chris will absolutely love it, as he always enjoys celebrations and spending time with friends and family. The surprise element will make it even more special, and I can already imagine how thrilled he will be when he walks in!
Unfortunately, I regret to inform you that I won’t be able to attend the party
due to
a prior commitment that I cannot reschedule. I truly wish I could be there to celebrate with everyone and see Chris’s reaction firsthand.
Linking Words
, I would love to meet Chris separately to celebrate his special day. I am planning to take him out for lunch the following weekend at his Linking Words
restaurant. Change the spelling
way, we can still spend some quality time together, and I can personally wish him a happy birthday.
Please convey my best wishes to Chris on his birthday. I hope the party turns out to be a fantastic and memorable event!
Best regards,
[Your Name]Linking Words