These days, in some countries across the world the main migration that become really popular among their inhabitants is that they like to move to the urban areas and from villages;
as a result
, the number of people in rural regions is reducing. In my opinion, Linking Words
trend is a negative development owing to the fact that it has an adverse effect on the environment and food production.
On the one hand, the fact Linking Words
that is
really important is that when the population of cities increases, Linking Words
air pollution and deforestation will rise. Linking Words
In other words
, overpopulation in cities is the main reasons for traffic congestion that are emitted a lot of toxic gases from vehicles and affect global warming. Linking Words
In addition
, the community who live in urban areas require residential regions, so governments should destroy jungles, which are the habitats of several wild creatures, to contracture various accommodations for urbanization.
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On the other hand
, most of the rural citizens are farmers and they have an essential effect on people’s food chain. Linking Words
, if these people migrate to the cities, Linking Words
the sectors of land that are under agriculture decrease. In fact, the number of vegetables, fruits, meat, and other dish ingredients is reduced. Linking Words
, Linking Words
fashion put countries, in the short run, in famine situations.
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To sum up
, the emigration of populations who live in the countryside to metropolises is not eco-friendly and has an unfavourable influence on countries' food inasmuch as in Linking Words
situation the amount of air pollution and forest annihilation rise. Linking Words
, the main ingredients that need communities to survive like meat, and so on that are produced by rural inhabitants are reduced.Linking Words