YoungAdd an article
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generation is the hope and strength of the nation who will one day run the country with their skills and intelligence . Some folks argue that tuition fees paid by the
hasChange the verb form
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more positive scope than
themselvesCorrect pronoun usage
show examples
paid by the students.
, I personally reckon that study should be free for
lower incomeAdd a hyphen
show examples
families not for
the Correct article usage
show examples
society . In the following paragraphs, I will elaborate
bothChange preposition
show examples
meritsCorrect article usage
show examples
and demerits of both aspects .
To commence with , juveniles who belong to
middle classAdd a hyphen
show examples
families are unable to pay their fees for their curriculum but they have sharp
mindFix the agreement mistake
show examples
to do studies but
lack of
the Correct article usage
show examples
money they
denyWrong verb form
show examples
their university schooling .
, research
has beenWrong verb form
show examples
conducted in 2016 in Asian countries , where most of the brilliant doctors , engineers and lawyers are from lower level income
familyFix the agreement mistake
show examples
but they had done their education through the scholarship given by the
, if universities and schools are funded by the regime
has equal opportunities to become successful in their lives and give
Correct article usage
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handsFix the agreement mistake
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in the growth of development of the country. To illustrate, Dr Abdul Klam,
lateCorrect article usage
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president of
the Correct article usage
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was belongedChange to the active voice
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poorAdd an article
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family but he had 10 degrees and he was a famous scientist
in Change preposition
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all around the world
but Correct word choice
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he said he
doneAdd the auxiliary verb
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his studies only
throughChange preposition
show examples
money given by the
On the other side ,
communityAdd an article
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is divided
inChange the preposition
show examples
two groups either rich
or poor
communityFix the agreement mistake
show examples
. Some
SectorCorrect article usage
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areChange the verb form
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able to afford their
kidsChange noun form
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education but
they use
the Correct article usage
show examples
funding which is unnecessary.
wastageCorrect your spelling
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accessible ways which are for actually needed groups .
, if things are easily availed for
they cannot do hard work
for gettingChange preposition
show examples
what they want .
becomingWrong verb form
show examples
more comfortable
to Change preposition
show examples
doing things and
doesCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
not like hard work . For illustration,
theirReplace the word
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is a reservation quota in India for lower cast
for studyingChange preposition
show examples
gettingWrong verb form
show examples
jobs even if they are rich does not matter .
an Correct the article-noun agreement
show examples
educated students who are living in poverty
unableAdd a missing verb
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to take these benefits .
, accelerates
prejudicedReplace the word
show examples
among human beings.
, I
believedWrong verb form
show examples
that opportunities are good if
forChange preposition
show examples
rightAdd an article
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person. The
should pay for those who really
needsChange the verb form
show examples
it not for