some believe that nations with longer working hours are more economically prosperous, others argue that extended working periods have negative social consequences. Linking Words
extended office hours can increase profitability for companies, they hinder employees' work-life balance and ultimately, lead to a weakened family structure.
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To begin
with, countries with extended office hours tend to have higher Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and economic success. Undoubtedly, employees in these countries work for longer periods which results in higher yield production. Linking Words
For example
, Japan and South Korea have notoriously long office schedules. Linking Words
Due to
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, the employees are required for prolonged periods and Linking Words
allows business to uplift their local economies which enables nations like these to have a competitive edge over the global market.
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operating in service for a prolonged time can help the nation advance in the global race, Linking Words
, these advancements often come at the expense of individuals' work-life balance. Linking Words
workers are able to finish more work, the companies' productivity deteriorates gradually, as the workers are under significant load and stress. Linking Words
, they are unable to spend time with their loved ones and Linking Words
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leads to social isolation and weakened family structures. In America, both parents are required to earn in order to survive. In these families, children are not that attached to their parents when compared to Asian countries like India. Linking Words
Due to
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, their children lack moral values and, communication of thoughts without contradictions becomes quite hard and Linking Words
leads to hostile behaviour amongst them.
In conclusion, I strongly agree that Linking Words
approach brings negative consequences that definitely need to be addressed in order for the country to become economically successful. Linking Words
, providing optimal working windows allows them to interact with their families. Linking Words
helps them to lower their stress levels Linking Words
teaching the future generations moral values that are needed to run the nation.Linking Words