IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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I have read the advertisement for your Memory Course and I am giving much concern about your curriculum. I am a full-time mom with one toddler at the moment. Before I used to work as a teacher. After my pregnancy, I left
I have read the advertisement for your Memory Course and I am very concerned about your curriculum. I am a full-time mom with one toddler at the moment. Before I used to work as a teacher. After my pregnancy, I left my j
I remember that since I was a child, I have had a bad memory rather than my peers. A good example of it would be, in all stages of my whole life, in other words, from childhood to adulthood I cannot remember many events
I am writing this letter to know more about your program and could you give me some information. Well, let me tell you about my background information. Actually, I am working at the engineering firm as a manager and our
Hope you are doing well. In fact, I am writing this letter to enquire about your course. Let me tell you about my background information. Actually I am working at the law firm as a senior associate and our firm specialis
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