IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Many people hold a contrarian view regarding the spending of time in leisure activities. while many argue that it is better to allocate this time in socializing with family members to keep the culture intact, I think eng
It is argued by an overwhelming majority of people that youngsters should spend their leisure time with their families rather than spending outdoor activities and entertainment. I am of the opinion that they should spend
Some people said that people should spend their free time with their family instead of enjoying their time with people outside. However, some people disagree and some of them agreed. I think that people should spend thei
When discussing whether young people should spend more time with their families, rather than enjoying entertainment by themselves, one should bear in mind the complexity of the issue. Although some people believe it is i
Few people claim that youngsters should use their leisure time engaging with their family rather than hanging out. Though this is not the same case with everyone. In my opinion, I would encourage the younger ones to go o
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