IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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I am writing this letter to request you to consider me for the part-time voluntary program at the museum. I saw the advertisement in the local newspaper tabloid yesterday and would like to apply for the position of recep
I am writing this letter with regard to inform you that I am interested in the part-time voluntary job which was mentioned in yesterday newspaper. I would like to apply for that job. My name is Dian and I am a part-time
I am writing regarding the voluntary job advertised on the museum’s website. It has been a while that I have been seeking a part-time job to spend my time productively, as I am a junior student and cannot apply for a ful
I am writing regarding the voluntary job which was advertised on the museum’s website. It has been a while that I am seeking for a part-time job to spend my time productively, as I am a junior student and cannot apply fo
I am writing this letter with regard to inform you that I am interested in the part-time voluntary job which was mentioned in yesterday newspaper. I would like to apply for that job. My name is Yan and I am a part-time u
I am writing this letter to let you know that I am interested in doing some unpaid work at your museum. I see that I will be a good addition to your team, because I have a variety of different skills.
I am writing this letter to apply because I have a keen interest in the vacant post for the museum as a part-time worker, which is near to my residence.
Recently I have found your vacancy in the local newspaper, so I would like to present myself as a candidate for this work. I have already applied for voluntary work there.
I write this letter to express my interest in the voluntary position as a guide. I hope that you would consider me to use this opportunity when I explain my qualifications.
The diagram compares the evolution of cutting devices in the stone age. Overall, the main difference between the two cutting appliances is their shapes where the former year, the shaping it was quite unclear compared to
The graph given demonstrates the proportion of new grades who did the final high school test and passed on it, dividing between girls and boys as well as illustrating each subject.
I am writing this letter to apply for a job at your museum in response to the half-duration vacancy published on your website. In fact, I had been very incentive to get involved in the volitional work since I was a young
I am writing this letter in connection with your part-time voluntary job in the museum. I have visited the museum more or less 10 times and I believe it is in my interest to be involved in an unsalaried career.
I saw the advert in the newspapers that you are looking for people who are willing to help out at the museum on part-time basis. I would like to apply to be a volunteer if you still need one.
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