IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Some humans are thinking that animals are in danger of world . In the other hand, some people discussed that they have to protect those animals which are served to nation in particular.
As the development of our society, the relationship between humans and animals are becoming intense. Protecting animals has become a topic that people have been talking to. Some people hold the idea that humans should on
Many species are on the verge of extinction.There is a contentious argument over whether or not those animals who are considered important should be protected. Although it will save a lot of time and money if we only tak
Many species are on the verge of extinction. While some people think that humans should only protect animals which are useful to us, I completely disagree with this statement and I believe that we should try to protect a
Due to the rapid eradication of wildlife species, few individuals believe that protection could be extended towards only those who are useful to humans. I disagree with the statement. All have their own importance and th
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