Nowadays, more and more high school students are working part-time. While part-time jobs help these students earn money and experience, specific negative impacts on their grades, free time, and potential risks ought to b
In this concurrent era, work is a necessity of life. There is a discussion going on, that many pupil like to do temperory work along with their studies. I will discuss both merits and demerits of this notion in forthcomi
It is considered that allowing children to have part-time jobs is the best option.In my opinion,I think that providing some jobs for students who are studying in a high school has both benefits and drawbacks.The followin
Many believe it is a good opportunity for adolescents to work part-time while they are in school, while others disagree with this statement. This essay will discuss both advantages and disadvantages of students working p
Nowadays, the rates of young people studying and working at the same moment have been increasing significantly. Undoubtedly, this behaviour leads too many pros and cons. The middle term has to be achieved in order to ens