IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Marriage is the most auspicious relationship that binds an individual with their soulmate. Most people argue that elders in the family are the best people to decide whom one should marry. However, despite various positiv
Many full-time undergraduates usually dedicate a majority of their time to learning their major subjects, yet they ought to participate in extracurricular activities as well. I strongly agree with this statement and will
Some today feel that university students should focus completely on their studies, while others feel it is important to have a diverse range of interests and activities. In my opinion, extracurriculars are a key part of
It is undeniable that investing a significant amount of time to study plays a pivotal role in enriching academic performance. This is why many proponents believe university going students should solely concentrate on the
It is often seen in many societies that university students only focus on academic studies. However, some feel that they ought to do extracurricular activities like singing or social activities and I believe the same for
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