The dispute of whether prejudice and its further problems are inexorable has been dwelling in people's minds. A few groups believe that this is not something innate, but more likely to emerge from interaction between hum
There are certain attitudes, that every human has, which arise two questions: were we born with certain thoughts or someone taught them to us? This essay will explain in deeper the answer to the second question, explaini
One of the most problems in the world, is the biased attitude concerning race, and nationality such as racism and xenophobia have still occurred in several countries. Cultivation by ancestors or communities is the main r
In this modern era, racism and xenophobia are the topic of public interest and concern. It is believed by some people that it is one of the most serious global problems and it can be resolved if we are taught. I agree wi
Thanks to the development of transportation and globalisation, people these days can travel anywhere they want, hence multicultural cities have emerged. Nevertheless, discrimination regarded with people’s nationalities,