IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The severity of rubbish has been highlighted over the past decades. From this aspect, questions about whether plastic shopping bags are the major sources of rubbish, causing contamination on land and in water, have led t
The severity of rubbish has been highlighted over the past decades. From this aspect, question about whether shopping bags are the major sources of rubbish, causing contamination on land and in water, so individuals thin
There has been quite an obvious discussion around the topic of plastic bags. While some people believe that plastic shopping bags can be used in the future, I would argue that plastic bags should be banned to maintain th
Plastic is a very sensitive topic for many countries across the globe. In this day and age, several first world societies consider this type of waste as taboo - it is lazy to rely on shopping bags at the store that coul
In the modern era, consumption of plastic increase significantly, as a result, it produces a devastating effect on waterways species and seabird and even landfill. In some ,countries plastic bags are already banned and I
It is considered that plastic shopping bags should be eliminated in society due to negative impacts on both of the environment on land and in water. In my perspective, although banning plastic bags is necessary for the n
In the present scenario, the amount of waste being generated on earth is rising at an alarming rate. Therefore citizens of some nations are in the favour of banning the items resulting in air and water pollution especial
Plastic shopping bags are known to be absolutely cheap and convenient. Some people think that plastic bags should be prohibited because there are not only polluted on land but also in the water. I completely agree, but I
Some people think that plastic shopping bags should be prohibited because they are one of the major pollutants of both land and water around the world. I completely agree, but I think there are other measures that can be
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