In recent years, there has been a significant debate over declining animals and plants. However, declining plants and animals has psarked considerable concern, but there are feasiable solutions for this situation. In thi
Many states witnessed a shrinking amount of animals and plants. It is my belief that this problem is mainly caused by the occurrence of global warming and deforestation. However, it can be solved by enhancing the quality
Nowadays, the decline of animals and plants is one of the major issues happening in most of the countries in the world, and it could be some part of the reason. To overcome this issue, we need to take some preventative
Recently reports have shown that numerous countries are suffering from the reduction of plants and animal species. This could be a direct consequence of the climate change crisis the world is facing today. It has now bec
Nowadays, plants and animals population is reduced remarkably. Today people are living in money-first era, they cut down trees, fire the forest and destroy the shelters of animals.
It is true that diverse species of biology are disappearing in this world. While there are several reasons for this alarming trend, steps can be taken to mitigate this problem.