IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In the future schools, galleries, museums, and libraries will not exist because everything from education to culture and entertainment will be on the Internet, this essay will completely disagree with this because presen
many people agree that online education is the best way to learn meanwhile there are people who disagree with the idea of online learning , in this essay we will discuss the real meaning of online education and how it af
Education, art galleries, museums and libraries will be left near in the future because literacies, courses and entertainment already can be found online.
There has been a hot debate among people if education or culture should be moved from buildings to online in further years. Personally, I do not agree with this statement because online education can not replace a teache
It’s considered by some that physical embodiment of culture and knowledge such as museums, galleries or libraries are standing on the edge of extinction in front of the internet with unlimited access to all information.
It is indeed true that the consumption of technology has been rising at an alarming rate across the globe. A school of thought suggests that utilisation of the internet can replace the current education system, tradition
It has been argued that in the coming years, the internet will replace learning institutions,historical places,and libraries. In my view, digitalisation will become widely used by people. This essay will discuss the acce
We live in the age of computer and information technology and with the tap of the finger, we can get virtually any information we need. This fire up a debate that in the future, whether we will no longer need to have sch
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