There is a very well known riddle. "Who knows better? The one who travels more or the one who read more" This is a very tricky question because you can read while you travel. In other hands, the question on the title is
It is irrefutable that tourism has taken a mammoth dimension as their people can get acquainted with other nations' features. However, some people believe that it is unnecessary to travel abroad, as people can learn the
It is irrefutable that tourism has taken a mammoth dimension as there people can get acquinted with other nations' features. However, some people believe that it is unnecessary to travel abroad, as people can learn the s
Nowadays, the development of technology has changed the way people explore other cultures and communities. Today, individuals are able to find appropriate information within few minutes by using contemporary devices and
It is believed that travelling to another part of the world to explore and experience about the cultures of different country is not essential. Nowadays, people can just learn by reading books, watching films or searchin
It's no longer mandatory to travel to different regions to get to know other cultural varieties among people, instead, we can know about such cultures from books, movies, and the internet. Although the world is now globa
Many believe that learning other people’s culture can be acquired by simply reading books, watching films and browsing the internet. On the other hand, some urges to travel from one place to another to learn more by exp
Over time, people have always been travelling one place to another in order to get familiar with different cultures and make new experiences. In last two decades, technology blurs the boundaries between countries. Hence,
It has been a raging debate whether an individual should have to travel to foreign countries to learn their culture or not over a last decade. In this highly competitive era of globalization travelling is an easy and fas
There are two approaches to learn about other cultures, those are either travelling to other places or watching films, reading books and browsing internet. But it is a controversial issue that travelling is essential or
It is sometimes argued that it is possible to acquire knowledge about different cultures without even leaving one’s own apartment. It can be done by reading, watching movies or just surfing the net instead. I cannot but