IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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After getting a Bachelor's degree, we all need to find jobs that provide us with earnings for a living. Some believe that starting their first jobs at reputed companies will support their working experience in the future
In the inflation epoch, as technology advances everything becomes so expensive therefore people run after making money to lead a well-settled Lifestyle . In the midst of change , it can be seen that people like to start
In the inflation epoch, as the technology advances everything becomes so expensive therefore people runs after make money to lead a well-settled Lifestyle . In the midst of change , it can be seen that people like to sta
There are conflicting views on whether individuals after graduating should land a job in small-size groups or large-scale ones. Although almost all people are fond of working for popular and big corporates, it is sensibl
In this modern world individuals after completing higher studies immediately look for job opportunities to make a living.Some believe that the initial startup should be with a well-known company while others argue to sta
nowadays, there are many graduates who want to start their first job in a big company while others prefer to start their first job in a small company first. this essay will discuss both views of this statement
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