IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Nowadays we can rarely find any authentic sources of news. Companies have commercialized data to muster attention and views. The entire business is monetized and viewers are emotionally manipulated.
The editorial division is crucial for media companies. The decision of editors can directly influence future of the their organisation and even societies. However, their preferences are influenced by numerous factors suc
People mainly prefer television and newspaper for their account purposes.The broadcast which is presented in newspaper and television are created by disclosure editors.Nowadays, many types of bad announcements are creat
Currently,there is discussion with regard to deciding of news editors about programs on television and in newspaper.A lot of factors to decide for writing the news such as popular topic in the country, legal and feedbac
The newspaper and television are source of information, it gave us information about whole world. broadcast on television and write in newspspers are decided by news editors, many factors influnce these decisions, which
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