IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Education plays a vital role in an individual’s life. Some people reckon that ‎pupils can gain more knowledge from academic topics with a tutor’s help than ‎from other sources like television and the internet. I strongly
It is certainly acknowledged that the significance of an education has been hiking by leaps and bounds nowadays. Some fraction of folks believes instructors could play a pivotal role for moulding the future of school an
Never before has the necessity of memorising as significant volume information for students been that high. Thus, that led to public debate whether having live lessons or other methods are more resultative. I strongly b
Never before has the necessity of memorising as significant volume information for students been that high. Thus, that led to public debate whether having live - lessons or other methods are more resultative. I strongly
It is argued that studying from teachers and professors in educational institutions is better than learning online, for instance, using websites and computer. It is agreed that students learn lessons much better from the
Students pursuing education in University and school learn more lessons from various sources such as internet and television rather than classroom lessons that are being taught by teachers. In this essay I would like to
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