E-learning is dramaticlly rising in demand in most countires especially after corona vuris.What are reasons of this developement ? what are advantages of using Online education ? does use of modern way in education will
To begin with, one positive aspect of teaching pupils subjects in digital format is preserving and protecting the environment as one critical issue which produces greenhouse gases. Indeed, with the growth of the publishi
It has been supported by some people that educational centers by making use of multimedia means ought to render books obsolete. Likewise, I could not agree with that more such a scheme not only is it environmentally frie
Books should be replaced by technologies like computers, TV, and films for teaching in schools. I disagree with this belief, it has been years that we use books to teach our students and I think these new technologies ca
Nowadays, many education centres switch the teaching method from books to multimedia. Those media, ranging from films to computers are widely used in schooling. Effective teaching attributes to rapid updates of database