Spending money to buy something interesting is the most popular activity of youngsters. Typically they do that in their leisure time and they should manage their time in a positive way. In this essay, I will discuss wha
These days, shopping is favored by a mass of adolescents and become a well-known hobby. With the assistance of technology, this activity is even more common than ever, it can be seen that the youth spend an enormous time
It is irrefutable that with the increase in the trend of materialism, many young people love to do shopping in their free time. Socialization and the rise in living standards are the main reasons for buying things. Where
Since the second industrial revolution, our society has been influenced to purchase products. With new media platforms such as the internet and social networks, this behaviour become even more common among the youth popu
Since the second industrial revolution, our society has been influenced to purchase products. With new media platforms such as the internet and social networks, these behaviour become even more common among the youth pop
It has been observed that living in era of modernisation and advanced society it is difficult to avoid shopping apart from purchasing basic needs.Due to this millionials have indulged in buying new items to such an exten
People around the world have different hobbies and activities which are usually conducted for amusement and leisure. The new generation has opted shopping as their favorite pastime. This essay will provide an overview of