IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The sphere of job would be changed through aging process of life. Thus, it is debated that the elderly should retire after the certain age compulsorily, and others argued that forceful retirement leads to a plethora of h
The phenomenon of the problems triggered by high-age flok not being allowed to work has aroused wide concern among various circles. Divergent as people's views on this issue in question may be, I totally disagree that el
Rules for working at the age above sixty varies country to country. Many believe it is healthy to get retire from work after reaching sixty while others believe retiring from work only because of the age limits creates d
Rules for working at the age above sixty varies country to country. Many believe it is healthy to get retire from work after reaching sixty while others believe retiring from work only because of age limit creates diffic
Nowadays, a person's age above 60 is considered as a retirement age and therefore, a few people think that it can inflict serious issues if they are not permitted to work. In my viewpoint, I consider that the problem can
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