IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It widely suggested that huge global companies are beneficial to nations with developing economy. While others think that it causes the drawbacks to domestic enterprises. In my opinion, Although it might prevent the expa
It is often argued that the actions of huge global companies are beneficial to countries with developing economies, while others believe that these companies have a negative effect. In my opinion, I believe that although
It is often argued that the actions of huge global companies help the economies of developing nations, while others believe that these companies have a negative effect. In my opinion, I believe that although multinationa
Nowadays, one of the widely discussed issues is the actions of huge global companies are beneficial to countries with developing economies, while others believe that these companies have negative effect on the indige
Nowadays, the international companies are increasingly expanding all around the world, which are generating a huge amount of job banks in the emerging countries. It is often argued that the actions of huge global compani
Bigger organizations are growing very fast as compared to older times. It is widely suggested that huge International companies are beneficial to countries with developing economies, whereas others believe that companies
It is often argued that nuclear arsenals keep the world safe and that nuclear energy is an inexpensive and environmentally friendly source of power. This essay totally disagrees that these benefits outweigh the drawbacks
Now a days, most of the people prefer to work in multinational organisation instead of domestic process.Our society is polarised into two groups almost equally regarding both the notions that myriads of people suggest th
Huge international companied play a crucial role in the global economies worldwide. Some people believe that they contribute to the economies of developing countries; while, others agree that they might bring harmful imp
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