IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is considered by some that our generation has a possibility of watching movies on devices like iPod, laptops and so on, while there are others who argued that it is the necessity to watch a movie in a movie theatre to
Some would argue that there is no point going to the movie centre to watch movies since we can access any movies of our choice via the internet-enabled phone. While others opine that the cinema is the best way to go. In
The possibility of watching cinema premiered movies on phones and other gadgets is becoming increasingly popular. Some are of the opinion that with this recent innovation the need to go to see movies at the cinema is unn
Different people have different preferences regards where to watch films. Some people prefer going to the cinemas while others prefer watching on their phones. From my perspective, I prefer going to the cinema.
Nowadays, mobiles are not only used for making calls, but also various other purposes like watching movies. Some like watching them in cinema, while others support the point. Lets discuss in details some of my experience
According to some, nowadays smartphone is the best way to watch films as compared to going to cinemas for watching movies. while some others hold the view that cinema is the only place were films can be enjoyed with full
Some people argue that owing to the technological advances, electronic gadgets have been replacing the big screen for watching movies while others insist that watching movies in a theatre, is an unparalleled experience a
We live in a fast-paced world and films are considered our biggest source of entertainment. Some people prefer to watch movies through different electronic gadgets, while others opine that watching them in movie theatres
Seeing a movie is a fantastic way to relax and whether one does that on the phone or in a cinema, is up to the individual. While some are of the opinion that, films are better watched on the phones, others believe cinema
Along with the introduction of technology into our daily life, many activities that people used to do in the past are being altered. While many old fashioned individuals prefer to watch movies at the cinema, others choos
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