IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Parenting classes have become increasingly advocated as a means to support the development of children. These courses aim to equip parents with essential skills and knowledge to navigate the complexities of child-rearing
It is known , That entering educational classes in the parental aspects , Somewhat improves the quality of parenting . In my opinion , I believe that it is highly recommened , Because it would benefit all parties involve
It is argue that to advantages the growth of a offspring, the influence of parents is crucial. I completely agree with this statement.
Overall, I agree with the statement because nurturing a child in a positive way plays a crucial role in the holistic development of a child. It is important for parents to join parenting classes for some time for the bet
Parenting is challenging for parents, especially amateur couples who have their first child. Some individuals believe that taking parenting courses should be mandatory for parents. In my opinion, I mostly agree with this
Nowadays, raising a child is an essential problem for all societies. There are many arguments about the advantages of classes for parents to guide them on how to educate their children in the proper way. From my perspect
Nowadays people pay more attention to the development of children. They always concern about the school education, but family education is as important as school education, so some people advice parents to take courses f
There is a common view that the success of person depend on how their parents and relatice teach than things learn from school. I do totally agree with this statemant because of the motivation and characteristic
Child development is influenced by whether the parents were prepared through classes. In my opinion the statement is not entirely true. A child can have a good development without the parents having preparation classes.
Some individuals have this notion that both parents should attend parenting courses due to their profit for rearing a child. I totally disagree with this school of thought.
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