IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Some individuals believe that tighter relationship in economy and culture between countries yield many benefits, while other consider that it is detrimental to national diversity. From my perspective, I reckon closer cul
Business and cultural coperation among nations had been rose dramatically. It is often argued that this is a positive development, whilst others disagree and believe it will lead to adverse ramifications. This essay agre
Trade and cultural transactions have become an integral part of the nations.Some feel that such exchanges bring more benefits to the public,whereas there are few who feel that the identity of the individual nation is los
Nowadays, there is a significant rise in business and cultural relationships across different countries which has it pros and cons. This essay will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this kind of development as
When discussing the effects of international business transactions and their influence on the country's nationality, one should bear in mind the complexity of the issue. Although some believe that increasing cultural con
There are approximately 196 countries in the world, each following their own business strategies and a unique culture. It is the duty of everyone to appreciate and respect their cultural diversity in order to maintain pe
There is an increasing concern about the effects of globalization. Some believe that globalization surely benefits most countries in different aspects such as economics, education and politics; others, however, argue tha
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