IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Visual techniques can be tapped into spreading information in nowadays. In my opinion, although it may yield some benefits to transferring news, I do not consider it can describe the content of news comprehensively.
these days some people believe that visual images like photographs and videos will help us more accurarely to know if the story in the news are real, while others think that the visual images canot represent the full sto
Although some individuals supposed that visual images, such as photographs and videos, can most accurately inform people about news story, another group of people thought such visual images are not reliable sources of in
They say that a picture in a newspaper article is capable of depicting the entire event, yet some argue that it does not. In this essay, I will share reasons for both views while presenting an opinion of my own at the e
It is easy to notice that there are an increasing number of visual images, such as photographs and videos, in news stories today. While some people claim that imagery can deliver more accurate messages, others argue that
There is a conflicting view on whether visualized content can give the audience a full picture regarding the description of a story or not. From my perspective, while information that is consisted of on-site photographs
With the advent of new media technologies, such as cameras, news organisations today can utilise visual content in their TV channels or internet resources. Although it is commonly believed that this development effective
Some people think visual images, such as photographs and videos, can most accurately inform people about a news story. Others believe they are not reliable sources of information.
Nowadays, there is a full of bombarding information in society. It is argued that some populaces perceive that pictures and animations are easy to express accurate knowledge rather than descriptive news, whereas others o
It is easy to notice that there are an increasing number of visual images, such as photographs and videos, in news stories today. While some people claim that imagery can deliver more accurate information, others argue t
Nowadays, many news agencies have used visual images, like photographs and videos, to give some information to their viewers. Many people argue that this is the best way to share information, while others claim that it
It is considered by some individuals that photographs and videos are the best way to disseminate information about a subject, while others think they are not dependable means of getting information. In my opinion I do no
There are those who opine that pictures and videos clips in news coverage can more precisely inform individuals of events, while the opposing stance is that such information is unreliable. This essay will initially analy
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