In fact, there are two types of communications, this is oral and written communication, however some considered that verbal communication is more effective than written. Personally, I do not completely agree with this id
Some people believe oral communication has a superiority over its written counterpart in terms of efficiency. Personally, I think this viewpoint doesn’t reflect the reality completely so I partly agree with this statemen
Вербальное общение иногда считается более эффективным, чем письменное. С моей точки зрения, я бы согласился с этой точкой зрения. Сторонники письменного общения имеют свои оправдания. Традиционно письменный язык часто ра
At the present, it sometimes believed that many people express themselves through a dialog more productively than sending messages to each other. I agree with that and I will extend my opinion. Firstly, this essay will d
It is believed that oral communication is more effective than written communication. In my opinion, deciding which one is more powerful than the other depends on certain circumstances.
Verbal communication certainly makes the subject matter more appealing than written communication.I,agree with the given point of view and would like to list down some points regarding to my belief and also list down som
One might argue that under no circumstance is written communication as effective as verbal communication. In my opinion, this is not always the case as each has its unique strengths and efficiency comes down to individua
Nowadays, many people consider that oral communication is more popular than written communication in worldwide. These trends remain a highly controversial, generating polarized public opinion. Some advocates hold the vie
Undoubtedly, the method of communication among individuals plays a vital role in understanding ourselves. However, it is often argued by some people that the verbal method of communicating is superior to the use of text.