In today’s society, most people claim that school leavers finish school without knowing how to control their budget. From my perspective, there are some causes as well as possible solutions to this tendency.
Most students graduate from high school without any skill in money management. The main reasons behind this ignorance are the absence of any subject in the syllabus regarding the way to use money as well as the reluctan
Money management plays an imperative role in a successful life and financial stability .Most high school students are less aware of money management.There are so many factors which cause improper education on how to acq
Many students don’t have the basic and vital understanding of personal finances. This lack of knowledge is due to no experience and limited education. Managing money should be taught from early in life so that when gradu
In high school, it is a crucial year for students to figure out what the thing they want to learn in university because of this it makes many high schools provide lots of various subjects, such as physics, languages, law