IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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To choose between a life in which the public does not have to work and a life that demands everyone to work most of the time, there is a majority of people who want to live a life with no production. However, this writer
To choose between a life which public do not have to work and a life demands everyone to work most of the time, there is a majority of people who want to live a life with no production. However, this writer believes that
To choose between a life that people do not have to work and a life demand everyone to work most of the time, there is a majority of people who want to live a life with no work. However, this writer believe that human ne
Many people believe that if they were to give an opportunity to choose between working or not, they would no doubt choose to let their hair down. The writers agree that the majority of humankind will opt for the second c
It is a highly debatable topic that people want to opt out of working rather than devote nearly all of their time to a career. The writer of this essay, while acknowledging the mental benefits that not working can have,
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