IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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As technology has developed significantly today, no doubt that the internet has become a great source to seek information, as well as opening up opportunities for people around the world. However, there are some harmful
The internet is a global web that provides all data and opportunities worldwide. This essay will discuss, firstly why all information is not reliable and what measures could be taken to control data online.
The advent of the internet has revolutionized the way we access information, providing a vast and easily accessible repository of knowledge. This global network has opened up unprecedented opportunities for people worldw
The internet, also known as the World Wide Web, takes a remarkable place among the information sources. Also, for the people who looking for new opportunities, the internet is the ideal source since it is open for everyo
It is believed that the internet is the best source of getting any kind of information and providing lots of opportunities to the people.i think, all the information on Internet is non-reliable.This essay will discuss th
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