IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Nowadays, Watching sports game on television have become a major trend. Although there are plenty of drawbacks, I believe that the benefits are much more accessible for people.
Although advertising products by popular sportsmen is thought by some to be a good aspect, other people think that it can be detrimental. In my opinion, I believe that advertising different products can bring more advant
At present, a considerable number of people enjoy watching sports events on TV. In my opinion, I believe that watching sports on TV can bring about more problems for audiences compared to any advantages it might bring.
In this modern world, a lot of individuals can easily access sports events through screens these days. Possibly, there would be numerous pros and cons. I personally believe that the positives of this phenomenon are much
A myriad of people watch sports at home nowadays. In my opinion, I consider that watching sports at home can bring more advantages for people compared to any problems it might bring.
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