IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Elders see that life in the past was better than now regardless of the technological advancment we are in today . Since many people find it helpful to use technology although that kids today spend most of their day on
In The modern world there is more than just being good in a specific field of work. Many employers wish to have people in their team who cannot only properly do a specific job but can also easily get along with others. T
Nowadays technology helps us to achieve our goals. Professional people are more successful through the use of technology even though they do not need in special expert in a particular field. In this essay, I will explain
Nowadays, most people are good at communication as well as they excel in different fields rather than sticking to one. As a result, they succeed in their profession. I totally admit this statement because the present gen
In this day and age, not just experts in a particular field but also the ability to effectively communicate in the working environment has become a crucial factor in a person's success. This essay will elucidate the reas
Nowadays, the ability to establish an efficient intellectual connection with other individuals is a prominent criterion in approaching prosperity, particularly in the working environment. Yet, there remains a controversi
In this day and age, in order to be successful in a field, a person needs to be not only competent at their job but also able to communicate effectively with others. This essay will shed light on the reasons for this bel
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