IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Keeping up to date with the recent things happening all around the world is an essential thing to do in this modern era. Some people argue that the greatest measure to gain global knowledge is by reading newspapers, wher
Some argue that the most outstanding source of news is the newspaper, while others argue that different media outlets are more suitable sources for current affairs. While newspaper offers credibility, I believe that the
Some argue that the most outstanding source of news is the newspaper, while others argue that different media outlet such as television, radio, and the Internet are more suitable outlets for current affairs. While newspa
Some argue that the most outstanding source of news is the newspaper, while others argue that different forms of media such as television, radio, and the internet are more suitable outlet of current affairs. While newspa
Some believe that newspapers are the best sources to be informed about recent news, although others consider that there are different kinds of media to access up-to-date information. While prints are used by seniors to l
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