IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The reason why I am addressing you is that I have been studying this college which has located at Qarshi, However, this place has very limited sports and leisure facilities for students. We propose that to bring equipmen
The reason why I am addressing you is that this facilities not very limited sport and liesure should be and for us sleeping here should be comfortable and easy.
The reason why I am addressing you is that to let you know lack of variety in sports for students at your college. If you are bring more sports and leisure facilities, it will be nice. I suggest that you have to plan a m
I am a student of 10th standard in your school. I am writing this letter regarding the limited number of physical activities in our institute.
I am writing to you to explain my situatuion. I am a student of the last grade during my career in the school I always was a good student with average nine. Although, I have not had, in all this time, any place where res
I am writing this letter regarding very limited recreational facilities for students in our college. According to that majority of the students become more and more lonely and depressed.
I am writing to bring to your attention a crucial issue concerning our college. While the students are generally satisfied with the academic curriculum and teaching methods, they have expressed concerns about the lack of
In the present ,situation college is not having the number of sports which can give us the opportunity to showcase our true potential in sports. Also, to create consistent effort there is a lack of infrastructure to impr
My name is Neeraj and I am pursuing Masters in Engineering in the Department of Electronics and Communication.I am writing this letter to bring your notice to the lack of sports and leisure amenities on the campus.
I am writing this letter to bring to your attention a matter that concerns the well being of the students and the reputation of our respected institution. As you know our college students are increasing day by day, there
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