It is inevitable that traditional cultures will be lost as technology develops. Technology and traditional cultures are incompatible. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this view

In the recent decade, humankind has seen the industrial revolution and innovation in
technology which
Accept comma addition
technology, which
was never witnessed before and
has led to a new debate about its impact on different cultures across the globe with many arguing that the digital revolution may completely sweep traditional practices and cultural values. I firmly agree with
notion, and the argument will be supported by a few examples in
essay. Much as the contemporary world believes that innovation and advancement in
have brought several benefits and made life easier for people in terms of the advance
health care
system and cutting edge communication devices to name a few.
relief has come at a cost,
as the disappearance of traditional cultural practices, celebrations, rituals, and unique customs. One better way to explain the phenomenon is traditional treatments of various diseases which were effective, and they now have now been replaced by modern drugs.
, as the world is evolving into a global village, it is inevitable that in the near future there will be only one culture having the same modern practices and living style.
, another reason why I believe that the technological revolution has left little breathing space for cultures to survive is the introduction of multinational corporate businesses which are not only forcing people to abandon their traditional style of running
business but
a business, but
a business but
persuading them to adapt to the global standards
as wearing uniforms and following dress code due to which young people have been completely disconnected from their cultural outfits.
but not least,
threatened the existence of traditional cuisines and dishes and replaced it with tasteless fast food which is now widely available and often the
choice for time-starved people.
, if things continue to develop in
a way, these unique aromatic cuisines may completely disappear in the near future. To conclude, even though the latest
has changed our lifestyle in many ways, and given us a more comfortable and healthy way to live our life, it is essential that society should remain connected to traditional cultural practices and customs. The pace at which traditional rituals are being replaced by modern
, the world could evolve into a place where there would be no cultural diversity which is detrimental for humankind.
Submitted by Serhii Baraniuk on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • inevitable
  • traditional cultures
  • technological development
  • modern society
  • incompatible
  • decline
  • traditional crafts
  • rituals
  • digital communication
  • preserve
  • promote
  • documentation
  • online archives
  • virtual museums
  • social media
  • coexist
  • integrates
  • digital storytelling
  • augmented reality
  • cultural tourism
  • perspective
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