Modern children are suffering from the diseases that were once considered to be meant for adults only. Obesity is a major disease prevalent among children. What are its causes and what solutions can be offered?

The diseases
as obesity were considered to be meant for grownups
only but
Accept comma addition
only, but
now it is becoming more common in children. The primary cause of
problem is the popularity of fast foods and the most viable solution is to educate children about the effects of being obese.   Children these days prefer to eat junk
rather than homemade
because the
chains like McDonald's and Burger
a male sovereign; ruler of a kingdom
are becoming popular.
In other words
, children are addicted to eating junk
as burgers and pizza and these foods contain a huge amount of fats and high calories that are harmful to the health of children.
, they are becoming overweight.
For example
, a recent survey conducted by the Guardian revealed that 55% of children in urban areas eat fatty foods on a regular basis.   A possible solution to
problem is that students should be educated about the dangers of obesity and they should not eat fast foods.
That is
to say that schools should educate pupils about the consequences of eating fatty meals.
As a result
, they will think twice before asking their parents to eat junk
can eventually reduce the chances of encounter diseases.
For instance
, a similar initiative implemented in the UK and
resulted in a 20% decrease in the number of children suffering from obesity.   In conclusion, children are becoming overweight these days because they eat fast
more often and to solve
problem they should be educated about the diseases that can be caused by eating these foods.
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Include an introduction and conclusion

A conclusion is essential for IELTS writing task 2. It is more important than most people realise. You will be penalised for missing a conclusion in your IELTS essay.

The easiest paragraph to write in an essay is the conclusion paragraph. This is because the paragraph mostly contains information that has already been presented in the essay – it is just the repetition of some information written in the introduction paragraph and supporting paragraphs.

The conclusion paragraph only has 3 sentences:

  • Summary
  • Restatement of thesis
  • Prediction or recommendation


To summarize, a robotic teacher does not have the necessary disciple to properly give instructions to students and actually works to retard the ability of a student to comprehend new lessons. Therefore, it is clear that the idea of running a classroom completely by a machine cannot be supported. After thorough analysis on this subject, it is predicted that the adverse effects of the debate over technology-driven teaching will always be greater than the positive effects, and because of this, classroom teachers will never be substituted for technology.

Start your conclusion with a linking phrase. Here are some examples:

  • In conclusion
  • To conclude
  • To summarize
  • Finally
  • In a nutshell
  • In general

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • Obesity
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Prevalent
  • Genetic predisposition
  • Comfort eating
  • Screen time
  • Physical education
  • Nutritional education
  • Economic disparities
  • Food deserts
  • Subsidize
  • Advertising
  • Weight management
  • Junk food
  • Healthy food options
  • Physical activity
  • Body image
  • Counseling
  • Consumer education
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