Most countries allow 18 years old to start driving a car. Some say it is good to allow it at this age, while others think that the age to start driving should at least 25 years old. Discuss both the views and give your opinion. Write at least 250 words.

Some people think that any citizen who reaches the
of 18, he/she will be capable of holding driving license and can
a vehicle on his/her own. Others think that it’s too early to allow those youth to
and they can’t be permitted to
unless they become 25 years old at least. Many feel that the
of 18 is suitable enough to allow people to have their driving licences.They adopt
claim as they see anyone at the
of 18 will have all the mental and physical abilities to take the responsibility of driving without any risk on the others
a characteristic state or mode of living
. Despite the argument above, it is difficult to argue with the fact that some people at that
still behave in a reckless way and can’t bear the responsibility so far. They
claim that allowing people under 25 to
is not only
a catastrophe
for themselves only
Accept space
but it
endangers the life of the others in the same community. In conclusion
Accept space
I think the
only can’t be the criteria of allowing or banning anyone from driving.A lot of other factors must be taken into consideration while determining the appropriate
for something like that.
For example
, anyone who wants to bear a driving license
Accept space
he should
pass comprehensive driving course governed by the government in order to make sure of his/her eligibility to hold
license and not to endanger the others
a characteristic state or mode of living
Submitted by mohgalaleldin on

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Fully explain your ideas

To get an excellent score in the IELTS Task 2 writing section, one of the easiest and most effective tips is structuring your writing in the most solid format. A great argument essay structure may be divided to four paragraphs, in which comprises of four sentences (excluding the conclusion paragraph, which comprises of three sentences).

For we to consider an essay structure a great one, it should be looking like this:

  • Paragraph 1 - Introduction
    • Sentence 1 - Background statement
    • Sentence 2 - Detailed background statement
    • Sentence 3 - Thesis
    • Sentence 4 - Outline sentence
  • Paragraph 2 - First supporting paragraph
    • Sentence 1 - Topic sentence
    • Sentence 2 - Example
    • Sentence 3 - Discussion
    • Sentence 4 - Conclusion
  • Paragraph 3 - Second supporting paragraph
    • Sentence 1 - Topic sentence
    • Sentence 2 - Example
    • Sentence 3 - Discussion
    • Sentence 4 - Conclusion
  • Paragraph 4 - Conclusion
    • Sentence 1 - Summary
    • Sentence 2 - Restatement of thesis
    • Sentence 3 - Prediction or recommendation

Our recommended essay structure above comprises of fifteen (15) sentences, which will make your essay approximately 250 to 275 words.

Discover more tips in The Ultimate Guide to Get a Target Band Score of 7+ »— a book that's free for 🚀 Premium users.

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