Many people say that the only way to guarantee getting a good job is to complete a course of university education. Others claim that it is better to start work after school and gain experience in the world of work. How far do you agree or disagree with the above views?
There is an ongoing debate on whether completing a university
can guarantee a better job
or to join work immediately after finishing school in order to gain experience
. I agree to
the above point that having a Suggestion
can guarantee great job
for students but
there are some impossibilities to get a Accept comma addition
students, but
in the same field, which I will discuss in this
It Is true that having a degree
would guarantee a better job
, but it is not always sure that students will get a job
in their field of study for example
, if a student have completed a degree
in nutrition there is only 25 percent possibility that the student would be a nutritionist. Because they ask for experienced candidates to play a role of Nutritionists and on the other hand
they also
need a highly skilled person to handle patients. Therefore
, it is not always possible to get a job
in the related field.
, there are some people who say that gaining experience
immediately after finishing school would help them to get a better job
in life. For instance
, it is possible for the students to gain experience
by working in their free time. They can explore for work just to have some experience
so that they can do well in major jobs. However
, this
will help them to know more about different kinds of jobs. Moreover
, they can do well in upcoming job
offers of their own choice.
In conclusion, I totally agree that students should go to work after finishing their school to get more opportunities of various jobs in which they find is suitable to them because they are already experienced in different fields and they have already gained experience
by working in various backgrounds. Furthermore
, it will be more helpful for them to choose a kind of job
they like to do.Submitted by Afraah Shariff on
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