Question- Many museums charge for admission while others are free. Do you think the advantages of charging people for admission to museums outweigh the disadvantages?

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Visitations to museums are increasingly becoming popular. In recent times, when people visit museums, they charge an
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fee. While some people think
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has numerous benefits, others are of the opinion that
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idea is unwelcome.
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essay will discuss both sides of the argument and explain why I believe that museum charges are beneficial. There are a number of reasons why charging
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fees at the museum can be of benefit to the society.
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, the money generated from
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practice, serves as a source of internal generated revenue for the government.
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revenues are used for the maintenance of the facilities.
For example
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, in France, some museums charge a particular sum as entrance fee, in which they partly use in paying its workers.
In addition
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, many people tend to not value free things judiciously.
For instance
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, a study found that in some parts of Africa where
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to the museum is free, many people don't visit them and do not value the resources therein.
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, some people have argued about how charging fees at museums are detrimental to the society. One of their arguments is that, exorbitant
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fees can be a turn off to potential tourists.
In addition
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, it deprives poor people the right to benefit from
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, some people believe that
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make people (students especially) lose interest in studying the past.
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could have a negative impact on our society as studying history is a necessity. In conclusion,
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essay has discussed both the advantages and disadvantages of charging admission fees at museums, and
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looked at the reasons I am of the opinion that its advantages outweighs its disadvantages. Government and individuals should institute a moderate fee at admissions in order to ensure equitable
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for all.

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