I am convinced by the fact that the government should take the ownership of banning toxic substances that harm the overall health of the society and should
be mindful of the well being of its citizens as well. Linking Words
essay will discuss why imposing restrictions on alcohol and tobacco has become a debatable topic.
Linking Words
, liquor and cigar industry is a booming business. Linking Words
of the recession Suggestion
sector has not experienced a downward trendLinking Words
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, there items are in high Linking Words
demand particularly
among the youth. Accept comma addition
demand, particularly
, a large portion of the government's revenue comes from the taxes on cigarettes. Linking Words
For example
, the tobacco industry pays higher taxes to the ministry. Linking Words
, banning these substances will lead to loss of Linking Words
money which
is used for the development of the country.
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money, which
, despite the fact that liquor contributes a large portion of revenue to the administration, the health of the society needs to be kept in mind as these substances have a negative impact on the people of the country. Linking Words
, there are numerous diseases that are caused by the consumption of these substances. Linking Words
For instance
, it has been proven that the intake of cigar causes cancer. Due to these reasons, any governing party should be watchful and control the use of addictive items.
In conclusion, banning addictive items is not a solution as revenue collected from these sources is used for growth of the country. Imposing controlled restrictions will not only keep the overall health of the society in check but will Linking Words
not impact flow of funds for administration.Linking Words