It is advocated that
Accept space
is priceless. Meaning of Joy is impossible to illustrate as criteria of pleasure is different for every individual. Some people think that gaining Use synonyms
desired job
in their profession is Suggestion
a desired job
Use synonyms
happiness but
others relate their loving family as a bliss of Accept comma addition
happiness, but
. In my Use synonyms
opinion it
depends upon individual.
To embark on, many people grade wealth as source of Joy for mankind in Accept comma addition
opinion, it
material world. On the Linking Words
otherhand we
have seen individuals happy and satisfied after getting professional intimacy without considering Accept comma addition
other hand, we
other hand we
financial benefits
they get from it. Suggestion
the financial benefits
For instance
, a doctor works hard throughout his Linking Words
Use synonyms
life achieving
perfection in his specific clinical domain and curing the sick regardless of peace or war. All of his Joy and satisfaction is in saving Accept comma addition
life, achieving
of patients and job Use synonyms
, regardless of his earnings. a feeling of satisfaction at having achieved your desires
As a result
; one can define professional achievement as person's major criteria of Linking Words
Use synonyms
On the other hand
Linking Words
some people rank their family Accept space
highest as their
source of pleasure, regardless of funds in their pocket. Suggestion
as their highest
colour of joy is scattered Linking Words
every where
in our society. to or in any or all places
For instance
Linking Words
to someone who works with their hands; someone engaged in manual labor
labour or
of a company work hard to just Suggestion
the CEO
the need of their dependents. Looking family members satisfied and growing is eternal joy for them. put in effect
factor which influences Suggestion
In fact
of most people with Use synonyms
is having a loving, cheerful and peaceful family. Prosperous and happy family is considered as a wealth itself.
To conclude, money though an essential aspect of Use synonyms
Use synonyms
life but
it cannot guarantee of joy and Accept comma addition
life, but
. Pleasure can be found through many other means as professional satisfaction as well as Use synonyms
loving family
a loving family
If more people strived in Accept space
towards true Use synonyms
rather than money, the world could be a better place for mankind.Use synonyms