I was so sorry to hear about your accident! I hope you're feeling a lot better today and that it's not too boring in
The match on Saturday was disappointing. The score was 2 all, probably because you weren't there to score that extra goal! The awful thing was that we were winning until 10 minutes before the endCorrect article usage
the hospital
when suddenly they scored another goal. I was so shocked when I saw the ball hit the back of the net.
I think the weather was to blame. It was a really wet day and the pitch was very muddy. By the end of the Remove the comma
you could hardly see the grass and we were sliding around in the mud. Everyone was exhausted.
Let us know when you're going home and we'll arrange for someone to bring you to watch the Add a comma
game. The rest of the team send their regards and we all wish you a speedy recovery.
Best wishes,
CharlieLinking Words