Cars have greater negative impact than positive one in our quality life style. How far do you agree with the statement?

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It is thought that utilizing
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in our daily life has had some detrimental effect in getting worth while facilities than positive one.
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, while
refers to the speaker or writer
believe that scientific invention
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gives us suitable and comfortable life that people are enjoying for ages.
To begin
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using the
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to travel one place to another are reducing
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and preserves people's valuable
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and can reach their destination on the dot.In many countries
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where public transports are scarce
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commuters have to wait for long hours
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while going to office
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college and university
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most of the
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they have to miss their boat.Indeed
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the situation becomes worse in having rough weather.
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people possessing a personal
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can reach their destination even at midnight easily and comfortably
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which gives them security and privacy as well as hale and hearty. Many countries, people like Bangladesh
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for example
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fall victim, when travel public transports for their personal purpose
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many times lose their valuable items for snatcher to snatching.After all, they have to suffer from traffic congestion on roads and cannot reach their desirable place at the right
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On the other hand
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has some negative impact in belonging life.Cars create traffic congestion
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which deadlock situations hang the roads as well as busy streets for hours.
In other words
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, if a large population of people wants to use private cars
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as a result
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roads cannot accommodate all those cars. In Dhaka
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for instance
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, many passengers have to wait inside buses for hours, while going to their respective destination because of intolerable traffic jam which is mainly created by cars.Cars emit
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black smoke and pollute environment
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which reasons
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people suffer from many diseases
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including cancer
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heart disease
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respiratory problem, though
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they are not responsible for
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. In conclusion
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cars are not free from demerits.It does not mean that the invention of the
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has been a curse
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Rather the benefit of cars are greatly overweigh its demerits.

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