It is thought that utilizing
in our daily life has had some detrimental effect in getting worth while facilities than positive one.Use synonyms
, while Linking Words
believe that scientific inventionrefers to the speaker or writer
Accept space
as Linking Words
gives us suitable and comfortable life that people are enjoying for ages.
Use synonyms
To begin
withLinking Words
using the Accept space
to travel one place to another are reducing Use synonyms
and preserves people's valuable Use synonyms
and can reach their destination on the dot.In many countriesUse synonyms
where public transports are scarceAccept space
Accept space
Linking Words
commuters have to wait for long hoursAccept space
while going to officeAccept space
workAccept space
college and universityAccept space
most of the Accept space
Use synonyms
they have to miss their boat.IndeedAccept space
the situation becomes worse in having rough weather.Accept space
Linking Words
people possessing a personal Accept space
can reach their destination even at midnight easily and comfortablyUse synonyms
which gives them security and privacy as well as hale and hearty. Many countries, people like BangladeshAccept space
Accept space
for example
Linking Words
fall victim, when travel public transports for their personal purposeAccept space
many times lose their valuable items for snatcher to snatching.After all, they have to suffer from traffic congestion on roads and cannot reach their desirable place at the right Accept space
Use synonyms
On the other hand
Linking Words
having Accept space
has some negative impact in belonging life.Cars create traffic congestionUse synonyms
Accept space
Linking Words
which deadlock situations hang the roads as well as busy streets for hours.Accept space
In other words
, if a large population of people wants to use private carsLinking Words
Accept space
as a result
Linking Words
roads cannot accommodate all those cars. In DhakaAccept space
Accept space
for instance
, many passengers have to wait inside buses for hours, while going to their respective destination because of intolerable traffic jam which is mainly created by cars.Cars emitLinking Words
Accept space
Linking Words
black smoke and pollute environmentAccept space
which reasonsAccept space
people suffer from many diseasesAccept space
including cancerAccept space
heart diseaseAccept space
respiratory problem, thoughAccept space
they are not responsible for Accept space
In conclusionLinking Words
Accept space
Linking Words
cars are not free from demerits.It does not mean that the invention of the Accept space
has been a curseUse synonyms
Rather the benefit of cars are greatly overweigh its demerits.Accept space