Some people think that art is an essential subject for children at school while others think it is a waste of time. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

some people believe that
is an indispensable part of the syllabus for children at school, whereas others opine that it is wastage of their time.
, both have their own pros and cons.
essay will discuss both views and
I would give my opinion in the subsequent paragraphs. To commence with the argument,
is undoubtedly a fundamental player of reflection of our emotions.
, it is of keen importance that owing to its significance, it must be kept and taught at school because
is a mirror of the children's feelings.
For instance
, on different occasions, what they do not express in words, they portray on cards for their parents.
, learning, creativity at school
as a result
, creates strong bonding in children with their parents.
, other people advocate that spending hours to educate children about the arts is a complete waste of time and that should be spent on learning useful subjects
as: physics or mathematics. Owing to the fact that enhances their practical skill. To illustrate, children become more interested in the subjects for which they spend more time to study.
As a result
, proponents put forward arguments that learning science could generate useful professions which could help make the globe a better place to live, and teaching
is less fruitful for nations and world. To conclude the aforementioned, I am predisposed to argue that teaching
as a subject is imperative in schools and it is a full utilization of timetable rather than wastage, as it infuses society with positive benefits in the form of culture transfer from generations.
, I hold a firm point of view that avoiding
will produce devastating effects upon society
as a result
of losing value in children.

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • self-expression
  • critical thinking
  • problem-solving
  • cultural awareness
  • tolerant society
  • STEM subjects
  • employability
  • rigorous subjects
  • curriculum
  • school budgets
  • enriches
  • complements
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