It is true that some people are comfortably settled in their workspace and refuse to switch organisations.
, there are those who like to experience change. In
essay, I will discuss both of these behaviours and share my own views.
There are certainly some benefits to sticking to the same
. To start with, people who stay loyal to a company are more likely to be promoted to higher positions.
is particularly true in sectors that
, by working in the same company they can create a comfort zone around them. They are more likely to enjoy a good rapport with their colleagues and even seniors.
insulates them from many work related problems.
, loyalty is still valued by most organizations and people who choose to work in the same office are more likely to receive various perks and incentives. Better still, they are the
ones to lose their jobs in case of a recession.
, there are many more benefits
changing jobs whenever new opportunities present themselves. The biggest benefit is the opportunity to acquire diverse experiences. When a person starts a
, it is not always possible for them to predict whether they will enjoy it or not. If, after working at a company for one or two years, they discover that
is not the right
for them, it is always better to resign and find another
. Another advantage of changing jobs frequently is that it may enable a person to get a raise or a promotion more easily.
, if they work in the same
may take a low level employee several years to get promoted to a mid or high level employee.
is because organizations tend to have a hierarchal system and it is not always possible to skip the steps of the ladder. When they change jobs,
, they may get to occupy a higher position as soon as they start. Of course,
is true only in the case of highly sought after professionals with unique skill sets. Sometimes changing jobs is the only way to get the raise or promotion a person deserves. Not every organization values talent and those who find themselves stuck
a place that does not do justice to them, quitting is the best option.
To conclude, working at different places while gathering knowledge and experience is a more sensible and faster approach to reach a high position in your work-specialisation than working at the same place.
is because climbing the hierarchy at one particular place would take many-many years as it is difficult to replace the top position holders.