The growing number of overweight people is putting strain on the healthcare system in an effort to deal with the health issues involved. Some people think that the best way to deal with this problem is to introduce more physical education lessons in the school curriculum. To what extent do you agree/disagree?

Nowadays a large number of people are getting obese.
is because of the modern lifestyle that we are following these days. Obesity leads to end number of diseases
that is
why it is very important to consult the health care specialist as early as possible, if you feel you have gained weight. I completely agree with the above statement by making physical education as a part of the school curriculum.
, being fit should be the end goal of every individual be it a child or an Adult. It is very important to educate children about fitness from their tender age.
For example
can be done by introducing games period in the school activity. By
way children can be involved in different games where their full body and muscle movement will be involved, like Judo, Cricket, etc.
, fitness cannot be achieved solely by implementing it as a lecture in schools. It's
very necessary to have an understanding about balanced meal. Awareness should be given in schools about healthy eating along with physical education lessons.
For example
: our body is 8O% of what we eat and only 20% of exercise.
, making children aware about Junk is equally important. If they are eating outside food daily by
they will not only ruin their stomach, but it will
affect their metabolism. In conclusion, learning begins at home, the role of a parent is equally important. Children should be able to differentiate between healthy and unhealthy food at their young age. Once, they understand the difference, they will ultimately learn the value of being fit.
Submitted by reema.ratra7 on

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